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Free & Clear Purify + Home
497$Every monthPurify + HomeÂ- 24/7 Clearing of all spiritual issues for you
- 24/7 Clearing of all spiritual issues for your home/apt
- 24/7 Clearing of SIs for your land/property
- 24/7 Clearing Geopathic Stress affecting your home/land
- 24/7 Clearing of all SIs of all objects in the home/on land
- 24/7 Clearing of all SIs - children 6 and under in the home
- 24/7 Clearing of all SIs - for pets in the home
- 24/7 Clearing of all SIs - Sleep Realms and Brainwave States
- Helps protect you and your home from negative energy
- Helps you become more easily aware of spiritual lessons
- Helps strengthen you from taking on others SIs
- Helps strengthen your home from SIs and interferences
- Cancel Anytime
The Trifecta
597$Every monthPurify + Home + ProsperityÂ- Everything included in Free and Clear Purify + Home
- 24/7 Clearing of all Spiritual Issues in regards to money
- Travel Support Healing for protection from draining energy
- 24/7 Infusion of 50+ Prosperity Frequencies
- Raises Your Vibration
- Runs 24/7
- Private FB Group
- Cancel Anytime
The Trifecta + Business
697$Every monthPurify + Home + Prosperity + BusinessÂ- Everything in Trifecta - Purify + Home + Prosperity
- 24/7 Clearing of Business Spiritual Issues
- 24/7 Clearing of SIs from office spaces
- 24/7 Clearing of SIs from business vehicles
- 24/7 Clearing of SIs from social media
- 24/7 Clearing of SIs from private programs, classes, media
- 24/7 Clearing of SIs from websites, accounts and more!
- 24/7 Clearing of SIs from business relationships
- Strengthens your business from SIs over time
- Cancel Anytime
Household Member Add-on
197$Every monthAdd-on a member of your household to their own Free and Clear Purify PlanÂ- Add on a member of your household to the Purify Plan
- Their subscription is active as long as yours is
- Runs 24/7
- Cancel Anytime
Soul Led
111$Every monthSoul Retrieval and ClearingÂ- Retrieves and integrates lost or stolen Soul Fragments
- Retrieves and integrates Soul Fragments that were forgotten
- Reclaims Soul Fragments returning after healing
- Releases others Soul Fragments
- Runs 24/7
- Cancel Anytime
Wholly You
555$Every monthIsn't it time to get all your energy back?Â- 50 minute monthly clearing session (usually $955) Save $400
- Clearing Soul Thieves - no more stolen soul fragments
- Clearing Life Force Vampires
- Clearing Health Thieves
- Clearing Money Thieves
- Clearing Love Thieves
- Clearing Business-Related Thieves
- + All the other types
- Includes a report of what was cleared, emailed to you
- Reclaiming and Integrating all the stolen energy
- Reclaiming and Integrating all the returning soul fragments
- Cancel anytime
Goddess Codes
111$Every monthA one-of-a-kind experienceÂ- Choose Free: 1 spray or 1 Weekly Healing each month
- Get the latest updates and spiritual info
- Enjoy free test sprays or infusions
- Join other weekly challenges for an additional fee
- Private FB Group
- Cancel Anytime
imagine your energy,
free & Clear
Daily, Remote Quantum Healing
PLEASE NOTE: Free & Clear Plans: Purify + Home, The Trifecta, The Trifecta + Business and Soul Led:
There is NO other communication once you're set up on your chosen subscription plan.
This healing automatically runs for you at that point. You may unsubscribe at any time.
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